A new season means a new checklist for Florida homeowners. Making sure you are prepared for the spring season will help you plan any necessary repairs, as well as give you some peace of mind. Here are some items to make sure to check when preparing your home for spring.
Clean Roof & Gutters
The first item on our checklist is cleaning off your roof and your gutters. This will clear your roof system, which will allow it to be able to mitigate water away from your home most efficiently. With the wettest season of the year approaching, it would benefit any homeowner to make sure their rain mitigation system is ready, free of debris, and fully operational.
Check Attic
Attics are an unsung hero of your home when it comes to ventilation and protection. Before spring hits, go into your attic and look around for anything that could be cause for concern. Things like water damage, holes, completely stagnant air, as well as mold or evidence of critters can all lead to more serious problems if left untreated.
Check Ventilation
Along the same lines, really check your home’s total ventilation system. This includes your attic and any roof ventilation systems, but also check the ventilation vents for your home’s dryer and heating/cooling systems. These need to be free from any blockages on both ends of the systems.
Trim Back Trees
Vital to your roof’s health is the trimming and maintenance of your property’s trees. Every season, a homeowner would be wise to take stock of their trees, making sure to note any limbs that could cause damage during an intense storm. Spring is no exception to this rule, as these trees are coming out of a time when they could be weakened, especially trees that were struggling before the cold set in.
Examine Shingles & Key Areas
The last main area you need to plan to inspect would be getting on your roof and doing a visual inspection. Most homeowners could save themselves some trouble if they would do a visual inspection of their roofs twice a year. Many major problems don’t start out major, and could be treated early, leading to less money out of your pocket in the long run.
Call Get Coastal Exteriors!
Unsure if that spot in your attic is mold? Don’t know if these shingles are damaged or just loose? Need help getting a gutter installed properly? Call us at Get Coastal Exteriors today! We provide a free estimate within 24 hours of you contacting us, as well as military and frontline responder discounts! We pride ourselves on these three values: being customer focused, our integrity in our workmanship, and being passionate about helping our community find a trustworthy, professional roofing company. Let us help your family by providing you with solid roofing knowledge, while also building a working relationship with you and your family. Call us today, so we can show you how “Your Project is Our Purpose.”